Author Guidelines

Journal of Contemporary Studies is published bi-annually in Winter and Summer by the Faculty of Contemporary Studies, NDU. Research Scholars who wish to contribute their original, unpublished articles and book reviews to the Journal may submit these by the end of March for the Summer edition and by the end of September for the Winter edition. Manuscript submitted for JCS should be original and not submitted anywhere else. Once accepted for publishing after peer review, the author cannot withdraw the article. Papers/articles should not be longer than 7000 words or less than 5500 words, with an abstract of about 150-200 words. Reviews of recent books by scholars of standing in their field may comprise 1100-1500 words. Authors are required to submit both soft and hard copies, along with their brief introduction, in MS Word format to the editor at the following address.

Postal Address

Editor, Journal of Contemporary Studies,

Faculty of Contemporary Studies

National Defence University, Sector E-9


Ph: (92-51-9262066 (ext 8406);

Fax: 92-51-2853655


Call for Papers

Summer Issue: Feb 1st -31st March

Winter Issue: Aug 1st-30th Sept


Summer Issue: Aug 30th

Winter Issue: Feb 28th


Footnotes should be based on The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, e.g. observe the following examples before submitting your paper:
Reference to a Book: S.M. Burke, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1988),
Reference to a Journal: Ali A. Mazrui, “Has a Clash of Civilization Begun? From the Cold War of Ideology to a Hot War of Religion,” NDU Journal VI, no.2 (Summer 2006): 17-27.
Reference to a Newspaper Article: Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema, “London Moot & the Kashmir Dispute,” Pakistan Observer (Islamabad), December 4, 2007.
Reference to a Newspaper: Dawn (Islamabad), July 30, 2007.
Reference to an Internet Source: Hamid Hussain, “The Tale of a Love Affair that Never Was: United States-Pakistan Defence Relations,” Pakistan Horizon June, 2002, (accessed September 2, 2009)

For reference already cited in full, use Ibid. For reference cited already elsewhere, use short title form (i.e., Burke, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy, 118.) instead of op.cit or loc.cit. Give page number or date, if different from the one already cited. Avoid citing too many references. Cite only the most authentic reference.

Writing Style

  1. British spellings should be used.
  2. Date should be written as December 7, 2007.
  3. Abbreviations should be written in brackets after writing within bracket after spelling the acronym in full at first use, e.g., the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Subsequently only SAARC should be used without bracket.
  4. Word “per cent” should be used instead of sign “%”.

Submissions not based on Guidelines for Contributors will not be accepted.